Freelance Job: Trademark Enforcement & Legal Assistance Needed UK-Based
Česká Republika
Další pracovní místa jako toto
full time
Datum zveřejnění 12 Mar 2025
We are seeking a licensed legal expert specializing in trademark enforcement and intellectual property law to assist with a trademark dispute. We already have the licenced trademark however a competitor is in breach of the trademark, We have already done most of the groundwork, including:
Drafted key legal documents
Developed a clear enforcement strategy
Gathered supporting evidence
Now, we need an expert to review our materials, refine our approach if necessary, and assist in executing enforcement actions. This may include cease and desist letters, formal complaints, or guiding us on potential legal proceedings.
We are not looking for a large firm—we prefer an independent lawyer or small practice that offers cost-effective legal support. UK trademark law experience is a must, and prior dealings with UKIPO or similar authorities would be a strong advantage.
If you are licensed and have relevant experience, please submit your proposal outlining your expertise and past trademark enforcement work.
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